Discover the best doctors, clinics & hospitals the city nearest to you.
Plastic Surgeons, M.B.B.S M.S, M.Ch, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic surgeon,Burn Specialist,Cleft Surgeon,
Speech therapist, BSc Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
Palliative Medicine Specialists,Anesthesiologists, M.B.B.S M.D, Anaesthesia, fellowship in paed anaesthesia,
Plastic Surgeons, M.B.B.S M.S, M.Ch, Plastic Surgery,
Orthodontist, B.D.S M.D.S, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, TRAINING PROGRAM IN CLEFT & CRANIOFACIAL ORTHODONTICS, AIIMS,
Craniofacial Surgeon,Maxillofacial Surgeon, B.D.S M.D.S, Oral Surgery & Maxillofacial Surgery, Fellowship in Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery,
We provide you the facility of fully managed Tele-Medicine health care solution
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Runny Nose
Throat Pain
Stomach ache
Chest Pain
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A service assisting you to find the right doctor at right time. Sometimes this can be very critical rather frustrating situation when you feel confused and need a genuine advice and guidance for how to proceed with the treatment of a medical condition.
Thus, we here bring to you our ECURE General Practioner a person you can count on to help you manage your health care and guide you in many ways...
We would take expert medical care to the places it has never been and to the people who have never received it. We would make medical consultations available to every citizen from the convenience of their home and offices and make doctors available to every patient in the remotest corners of India and world.
Our experts will answer your questions anonymously.
SMILE PINKI, the captivating story of a desperately poor little girl in rural India
Nine-year-old Ragini was severely burned by lamp oil as a toddler.She lost range of motion
Talks about the latest researches that are being done to find the root cause of cleft lip and palate.
Convenient for both patient and doctor. A virtual waiting room is better than the physical one. .